The AP Tag
Alarming Pin Tag (CISnt522)
Alarming Pin Tag (CISnt522) is small and sleek with 98 dBl to let you know someone is tampering with it or if it goes through your EAS pedestals. With a long battery life, compact size, and water resistance, the Pin Tag also has an Auto -Arm feature as soon as the pin is inserted. With the Pin Tag’s low cost and high ROI, you can protect all your merchandise that is high risk, deterring the bad guys, without deterring your customers. This alarming EAS tag can be 2-alarm or 3-alarm, AM or RF. Want Dual frequency? Just add an AM ink pin to an RF pin tag (or vice versa) for dual frequency protection. The AP Tag is perfect for Jeans, Jackets, Sport Jerseys, Sport Coats, and much more.
For more info:
- 98db Alarming Tag
- AM or RF
– Auto Arm feature. Disarm w/ Handheld or Counter-top Magnetic Keys - Battery Conservation Mode
– increases battery life
- Low Battery Indication
– Notification sound and light - Strong Visual Deterrent
– Blinking LED Light - Stainless Steel Ink Pin compatible
– Extra long length (19 mm pin) - Alarms from < 50 lbs pull force
- Water resistant

Alarming Pin Tag (CISnt522)
This is truly the next step in the evolution of the Smart Tag. Contact us for more information. 772-287-7999
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